Babson Student Challenge
Corporate Confectionery Success
Develop a strategic plan to grow and optimize corporate gift-giving for Yummy Mummy Bakery, targeting businesses as key clients for special occasions, employee recognition, and client appreciation and prospecting.
Key Tasks
Market Research:
Conduct market research to identify trends in corporate gift-giving within the business community. Analyze the preferences and expectations of corporate clients regarding gift options.
Q: What resources will you use to conduct market research? What size companies are best to target and why?
Personalized Marketing Campaigns:
Consider targeted marketing campaigns to reach corporate decision-makers.
Utilize email marketing, social media, and direct outreach to promote corporate gift offerings.
Q: What social media platforms might be most effective? Are there any social media influencers that might help to promote Yummy Mummy corporate gift-giving?
Build Relationships with Businesses:
Identify businesses, including human resources, sales and marketing departments and corporate event planners.
Q: Who do you already know through LinkedIn, networking, work or family contacts etc. that might be interested in learning more about Yummy Mummy gift-giving? Where can you meet business professionals who might be interested in gift-giving?
Holiday and Seasonal Campaigns:
Develop targeted campaigns around holidays and corporate celebration seasons.
Create limited-time offers and promotions to encourage bulk orders for these occasions.
Q: What business do you know that sends holiday gifts? What special or seasonal occasions might companies be sending gifts (i.e. accountants during tax time)? What promotions might entice businesses to use Yummy Mummy Bakery for corporate gift-giving?
If you know of businesses that might be interested in using Yummy Mummy Bakery for corporate gift-giving, we are happy to provide samples to potential corporate clients to showcase the quality of our products.
Students who submit thoughtful ideas to melissa@yummymummybakery.com will be rewarded with a Yummy gift, please include in your email your full name and shipping address.​​